
nature reserve

Discover our archaeological, natural and geological heritage on a family walk

The Furfooz reserve

An invitation to a journey

The Furfooz Nature Reserve invites you to plunge into a world of nature and history, where every step you take brings you a little closer to the beauty and richness of our past. Come and explore this hidden treasure and let yourself be seduced by its timeless charms.

Vue panoramique sur la vallée de la Lesse de la réserve naturelle de Furfooz - Parc de Furfooz
escalier rocheux fait partie de la balade dans le parc de Furfooz au cœur de la réserve naturelle de Furfooz

Let's protect nature together

By visiting the Furfooz reserve, you are not only helping to protect the heritage of Furfooz, but also contributing to the development of biodiversity throughout Wallonia.

The Furfooz site is managed by a not-for-profit association, “Ardenne & Gaume”, whose mission is to create, manage and enhance natural areas.

Visits to the reserve are free for members of Ardenne & Gaume.

escalier rocheux fait partie de la balade dans le parc de Furfooz au cœur de la réserve naturelle de Furfooz
